News from the AGM held on the 16th January
Subscriptions to remain the same
Agreed that Constitution rule 4 be changed for the membership year to commence on the 1st April and close on the 31st March of the following year instead of the current 15th March to the 14th March of the following year.
The proposal to change Welfare Rule 6 that no bream should be retained in keepnets on any of our waters was withdrawn and instead to trust the Committee to apply temporary keepnet bans where appropriate to protect recently stocked fish.
The following issues were raised by members for the Committee to consider: improvements to Silver End Back Pit swims, Seabrooks clay pigeon shooting, Seabrooks water level, the Layer Marney track, the need for an additional water to replace the loss of Tiptree Reservoir, the use of bait boats and providing match results on the club’s website.