Match Fixtures


Match Secretary: Derek Harper


Match Results 2023Match Results 2024

Pegs to be pre-booked with the Match Secretary, Derek Harper, 07793085460
£12 match fee bring correct money.
See Match Rules on pages 14 and 15 and Match Notes on page 50 in the club’s Handbook.

Please note bream should not be retained in keepnets on Layer Marney Reservoirs apart from during matches when they should be limited at any one time to the number as advised by the Match Secretary.



14 Jan 2024SUNAway Club Match Lakelands Fishery 10 am – 3 pm
 28 Jan 2024 SUN Away Club Match Colemans Fishery 10 am – 3 pm
 11 Feb 2024 SUN Angling Trust Pike Match Silver End Front Pit 10 am – 3 pm
 11 Feb 2024 SUN Silver Club Match Layer Marney 2 & 3 10 am – 3 pm
 25 Feb 2024 SUN Club MatchSeabrooks Reservoir 10 am – 3 pm
 3 Mar 2024 SUN

 Club Match

Change of venue

Pennent’s Farm and Elm Farm Reservoirs 10 am – 3 pm
17 Mar 2024SUNKDAA v Braintree Pennents Farm/Braintree10 am – 3 pm
31 Mar 2024SUN

M Joslin OPEN

Draw 8.00am

Layer Marney 2 & 310 am – 3 pm
14 Apr 2024SUNKDAA v Braintree PairsSeabrooks Reservoir10 am – 3 pm
28 April 2024SUNClub MatchLayer Marney 2 & 310 am – 3 pm
12 May 2024SUNS Mason OPENSeabrooks Reservoir10 am – 3 pm
18 May 2024SATAngling Tuition sessionSeabrooks Reservoir9am – 2.45pm
19 May 2024SUNCurtis Cup Layer Marney 2 & 310 am – 3 pm
1 June 2024SATAngling Tuition sessionLayer Marney 2 & 39am – 2.45pm
9 June 2024SUNClub Match Pennents Farm/Elm Farm10 am – 3 pm
23 June 2024SUNEssex Inter ClubSeabrooks Reservoir10 am – 3 pm
29/30 June 2024SAT/SUN24 hour Charity Carp MatchSeabrooks Reservoir10am Sat – 2pm Sun
30 June 2024SUNClub MatchLayer Marney 2 & 310 am – 3 pm
6 July  2024SATAngling Tuition sessionSeabrooks Reservoir9am – 2.45pm
14 July 2024SUNEssex Inter ClubPebmarsh10 am – 3 pm
28 July 2024SUNTeam of 10 KDAA v ColneLayer Marney 2 & 39 am – 3 pm
11 Aug 2024SUN

Essex Inter Club

Change of date from 4th Aug

Layer Marney 2  & 3

Silver End Front  & Pennetts

10 am – 3 pm
18 Aug 2024SUNCommander Burt Cup

Silver End Front Pit

(silvers only)

10 am – 3 pm
31 August 2024SATAngling Tuition sessionLayer Marney 2 & 39am – 2.45pm
1 Sep 2024SUNTeam of 10 KDAA v ColnePebmarsh9 am – 3 pm
8 Sept 2024SUN

Essex Inter Club

See website for info

Does10 am – 3 pm
21 Sept 2024SATAngling Tuition sessionSeabrooks Reservoir9am – 2.45pm
22 Sept 2024SUNMaruaders Cup

Silver End Front

(Silvers only)

10 am – 3 pm
29 Sept 2024SUNEssex Inter ClubRiver Chelmer10 am – 3 pm
13 Oct 2024SUNTeam of 10 v Doe`sLayer Marney 2 & 310 am – 3 pm
3 Nov 2024SUNEssex Inter ClubMaldon Canal10 am – 3 pm
10 Nov 2024SUNTeam of 10 v Doe`sBeeleigh Bottom Lake10 am – 3 pm
24 Nov 2024SUNAway Club MatchTBC10 am – 3 pm
8 Dec 2024SUNChristmas MatchLayer Marney 2 & 310 am – 3 pm
29 Dec 2024SUNClub  MatchSeabrooks Reservoir10 am – 3 pm
5 Jan 2025SUNEssex Inter ClubReserve Date 
12 Jan 2025SUNAway Club MatchTBC10 am – 3 pm
26 Jan 2025SUNAway Club Match MatchTBC10 am – 3 pm
9 Feb 2025SUN

Pike Match

TBC check website

Silver End Front Pit9 am – 3 pm
9 Feb 2025SUNClub  MatchLayer Marney 2 & 310 am – 3 pm
23 Feb 2025SUNClub MatchSeabrooks Reservoir10 am – 3 pm
2 Mar 2025SUNClub MatchLayer Marney 2 & 310 am – 3 pm
All Club match draws will be 90 minutes before the start of the match.  Check the KDAA website Matches page and Facebook page for any in year changes