Urgent Reminder – the deadline for existing current season members to purchase a Membership Plan that includes a Night Permit is Saturday 16th March.

Night permit memberships will then become available for new and prior current season members, on Sunday 17th March if the limit has not been met.  Owing to high demand they will, no doubt, all be sold within that day.

Night Permits are not sold separately but as part of a combined membership plan, for example, Adult plus Night Permit.

Do not leave it to the last minute, in case, you have issues registering with Clubmate.

Please ensure that you complete a profile that shows your current membership number and not, inadvertently, create a duplicate profile showing a new member’s membership number.

If you are an existing member, when registering with Clubmate, please ensure you use the email address that you provided the KDAA when joining this past year otherwise a duplicate account will be created and the system will view you as a new member and stop you purchasing a night permit as an existing member.  If you wish to use a new email address, please email kelvedon.daa@gmail.com, with your new address before registering.

If you have any problems with Clubmate, please contact me by email at kelvedon.daa@gmail.com or telephone 07952058389.

Fred Merrin

Membership Secretary