As many of you will be aware that the Layer Marney complex has been closed for a few days to allow the Club to undertake some much-needed aquatic habitat improvements. You will now find that lake 3 looks very different along the west and north banks, with extensive tree work being carried out by contractors.
Why have we had to do this?
During the late summer of 2024 the club invited the Environment Agency and an Aquatic Fisheries Consultant to look at the biological health of the lakes and the health of the fish stock. These two independent surveys identified that there was a large build-up of waste organic material within the lakes, predominantly caused by leaf litter, which is having an impact on both the health and growth of the fish in the whole complex.
Much of this build up was not only due to the significant annual leaf fall, but also because the surrounding trees were restricting the amount of sunlight and wind that could interact with the surface area of each lake, this was particularly poor on lake 3.
In order that we can improve the quality of the aquatic habitat, improve the health and growth of the fish stocks and of course the fishing experience for all members, we are undertaking significant works for the longer-term improvements at Layer Marney.
The tree work on lake 3 is just the beginning and the club will be following up with a number of other measures in the coming months, including the application of micronized gypsum to aid with the de-silting of the lake beds, new marginal plantings in lake 3 where the trees have been removed and the application through the season of nitrifying bacteria, as this will all aid with nutrient absorption and provide a great habitat for fish.
Look out for our emails re up-and-coming working parties at both Layer Marney and Silver End, tight lines!
Mark Wilson – Fisheries Manager KDAA