
Latest official news updates

Current season membership card expires 31st March 2024

Reminder -  The current season, 2024/25, KDAA membership card will expire in two weeks time on Sunday 31st March. Please visit the Join webpage for information about the joining arrangements for this year. You may rejoin at any time, however, please be aware that the...

Silver End Front Pit Siltex application

Be aware that tomorrow, Thursday 14th March from around 10am, Siltex will be applied from a boat with an outboard motor along the back bank. Please avoid this area until the work is complete John Joyce Secretary

Shemmings Pond transformation

Shemmings Pond has had a transformation. This water which has been rented by the club since 1958 had become overgrown with widespread lilies that we found impossible to control with the spraying of herbicide. We had contractors on site for three days last week with a...