Kelvedon and District Angling Association

KDAA is a friendly angling club that provides some of the best uncrowded fishing in Essex.

Some of the Best Places to Fish in Essex

We have ten still waters that are open all year round and fishing on stretches of the river Blackwater

Club Information

The KDAA established in 1947 caters for pleasure, specimen and match fishing.  With waters within eight mile radius of Kelvedon, in mid – Essex located between Chelmsford and Colchester. Accessible from the A12.

KDAA is a friendly angling club that provides some of the best uncrowded fishing in Essex.

We have ten still waters that are open all year round and fishing on stretches of the river Blackwater

Night fishing is allowed on six of the still waters.

Adult subscription is £95 per annum with many concessions.

Please note that all our waters are member only waters and we do not issue day tickets. Members may purchase Guest tickets.

Please visit the Join KDAA page for information about the joining arrangements.

Latest News Announcements

Marney 2 & 3 bream and roach stocking

In December 2019 the KDAA topped up the carp stock in Silver End Front Pit with six C6 21lb to 24lb mirror carp and fifteen C4 9lb to 15lb mirror carp On the 13/18 March this year we have enhanced the silver fish in Layer Marney Two and Three with 700 bream 6" - 10""...

Fish Welfare Guidance

As a consequence of the number of new anglers taking up fishing and also the many anglers that have returned to the sport this season after a break of probably many years, the Committee decided that it would be useful to offer guidance on fish welfare.  Bailiffs and...

Layer Marney Toilet Arson

Since the opening of angling after the initial lockdown the club has installed two extra toilets to cope with the increase in anglers. These were located at the Silver End Pits and for the first time at the Layer Marney complex. The Layer Marney toilet was burnt down...